(b. 1978, NY,NY)


Adam Ramirez is a photographer, painter, illustrator, designer, and musician. Years of perfecting his crafts have helped him to break down of the barriers between mediums and methods. Rarely do any of his works use just one way of expression.


Ramirez’s success with different artistic platforms makes it difficult to define him as a single medium artist.  For the past decade, Ramirez has been driven to expand his horizons into new media and new ideas. As a concept driven artist, Ramirez allows the medium to flow from the inspiration and impetus of the project itself.


"Optimism Photography was based on exploring different genres with a sense of authenticity. With each set I wanted to work with existing themes, but with a sense of originality. I feel it’s all a bit modern even when dealing with retro-culture. Looking back at the past 10 years and all the different series I’ve released, it all still holds up. Any changes I would make are solely based on the fact that I have more experience now, but I’m still pleased with the subject matter and execution of it all.”



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